
It’s very easy to contribute to the database of good practices. All contributions are welcome, typo fix on the content, code cleaning in the example, CSS cleaning, adding a new language for a good practice or add a good practice, there is always something you can contribute to!

File architecture

The actual content is in the directory _practices. Inside you have one directory for each practice. Inside you have a file named for each language. You also have a directory named _LANGUAGE per language.

└── timing-attack
    ├── _python
    │   ├──
    │   ├── app.pyc
    │   ├──
    │   ├── requirements.txt
    │   ├──
    │   └── venv

File format

The content markdown file respect this format:

title: Example of practice
language: Example of language

Content starts here.

Content is jekyll collection, see here.

How to contribute?

If you want to add content or fix content, just do a pull-request and we will try to review it and merge it asap.

Add a language for an existing practice

If you want to add a new language for an existing practice, you can start by copying an existing language content for you language. Remember to change the language in the frontmatter block but keeps the same title.

Also create a directory for this language if you have example of vulnerable code.

Add a new existing practice

If you want to add a new practice, create a directory for this practice in _libs. In this new repository, copy the template located in _libs/ and name it Then add a directory named _LANGUAGE if you have vulnerable code to share.